Australia’s first industry super fund leverages a
digital experience platform (DXP) to improve customer
interactions through personalization and SMS marketing.



LUCRF Super was established in 1978 as Australia’s first Industry Super Fund. Today, it services over 160,000 members and over 22,000 participating employers across multiple industries, with over $6Bn in funds under management. LUCRF Super’s philosophy of always putting members first influences and informs every decision made by the fund.


  • Create a friendly and helpful digital experience for members and employers 
  • Redefine the industry benchmark for online user experience
  • Grow member acquisition
  • Drive member retention through improved digital capabilities and targeted communication


LUCRF Super appointed Kentico Xperience Gold Partner, Luminary, to redefine their online presence and solve their immediate challenges of target audience insight and technology stack consolidation.

The team at LUCRF Super knew that without understanding their target audience better, they would not meet their goals, bring added value to customers, and differentiate themselves from other funds. They also recognized that they needed to consolidate their technology stack to communicate more effectively. These two key challenges needed to be solved to ensure the project was a success. 


To better understand the fund’s target audience, the project kicked off with a detailed discovery phase that lasted three months. It included a deep-dive with members of LUCRF Super and others to truly understand the decision making process and attitudes towards finance and superannuation.

All insights were carefully documented and transformed into user journeys. This shaped the rest of the project, leading stakeholders to select Kentico Xperience as the DXP to power a new website and online user experience.

Using capabilities in the fully-fledged Kentico Xperience platform and integration with cloud communications platform Twilio, LUCRF Super’s new website streamlines communication processes through marketing automation by bringing email and SMS marketing into one platform.

Kentico Xperience has also enabled the team to embed deeper personalization into their marketing. The team can serve up custom content based on member personas, unique user profiles, and pre-populated forms. Contacts are uploaded to Kentico Xperience and a marketing email is sent out with a special link that will personalize content for individuals.

Content as a whole is much easier to navigate thanks to a brand-new information architecture based on the insights and user journeys gleaned from the discovery phase, best practice listing pages, and real-time filtering. Users can perform tasks such as selecting an investment option or insurance upgrades much easier than before. Where further support from the customer service team or financial advice teams is required, content guides users to the appropriate channel, such as a call-back, online inquiry form, or a face-to-face appointment.

Not only that, capabilities within Kentico Xperience allow the organization to better comply with privacy and security standards, namely APRA CPS 234 and 235.


  • Twilio enables the team at LUCRF Super to send bulk and individual SMSs to customers straight from the Kentico Xperience platform.


  • Personalization
  • Marketing Automation
  • Contact Management
  • Activities Tracking
  • Forms
  • Widgets (including flexible Form Widgets)
  • Custom Input Fields
  • Reusable Form Modals
  • Form to PDF Generation
  • Automatic Pre-fill Functionality


LUCRF Super now provides members and employers with a digital experience that delivers on simplicity, priming the fund for future growth. Already, the user completion rate of the appointment request form on the new site has improved by 193% compared with the previous website form for the same period in the previous year.

The new website and online experience incorporated more than 80 functional components in the build to meet the needs that were uncovered during the discovery phase. With flexible widgets and custom features, the LUCRF Super marketing team is empowered to operate more efficiently with greater control over content authoring. Without developer intervention, content editors can automate and personalize content, driving the fund forward in customer interaction.




  • Kentico Gold Partner
  • Quality expert
  • Hosting partner


  • Cloud
  • Content Strategy
  • Digital Marketing
  • Integration and Customization
  • Personalization
  • Locations
  • Australia flag
  • Indonesia flag
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